The welcome ceremony of the new entrants (2021/22 Batch) to the Faculty of Medicine was held at the Physiology Lecture Theatre, Faculty of Medicine, on the 30th of January, 2023, under the patronage of the Vice-Chancellor Professor MD. Lamawansa. Professor Emeritus Malini Udupihille graced the event as the Special Guest, Prof. WM. Terrance Madhujith, the…
The Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya conducted a Short Course in Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation for ten students of Federation University, Australia, in January 2023. Dr. Kushan Tennakoon, an alumnus of the Faculty of Science and currently a Lecturer in Environmental Science, at Federation University, obtained funding from the New Colombo Plan for this…
University of Peradeniya is pleased to announce that it has been ranked number 2 in Sri Lanka by the Webometrics ranking for the year 2023. According to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, Spain, University of Peradeniya is at 1866th position in the world. The three main components of…