University of Peradeniya Launches Artificial Intelligence Forum for Academics (AIFA)

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The impact of AI on education has been particularly notable, highlighting the need for educators to be mindful and responsible in utilizing AI tools. Hence, the Staff Development Center (SDC) of the University of Peradeniya takes a significant step forward in advancing AI research and collaboration by inaugurating the “Artificial Intelligence Forum for Academics” (AIFA). This forum aims to foster innovation, knowledge exchange, and interdisciplinary cooperation in AI and contribute to the growth of AI in Sri Lanka.

The main objectives of AIFA are to provide a collaborative environment for researchers, academics, and industry professionals to exchange ideas, share insights, and collaborate on cutting-edge AI projects. Professor Roshan Ragel, Dr Kapila Wijerathne, Dr Damayanthi Herath, Dr Pramila Gamage, and Ms Roshani Fernando have taken the initiative to establish this ground-breaking platform under the guidance of Professor Rasnyake Mudiyanse, Director, SDC.

The inaugural session of AIFA was held on June 14th, 2023, at the University of Peradeniya. The event attracted around fifty faculty members. The event featured informative presentations and speeches by Professor Roshan Ragel, Dr Kapila Wijerathne and interactive sessions were also organized to encourage active participation and knowledge among attendees.

In the inaugural meeting, members identified five avenues for future meetings.
– Identifying AI tools that would make teaching/learning efficient.
– Creating new learning opportunities via AI for students and academics.
– Re-defining the roles of the students and teachers for the AI era.
– Recommending ethical guidelines for AI adaptation in the University.
– Customising and creating our own AI tools for academic purposes.

Working groups were formed on the above topics to share insightful thoughts in upcoming meetings. Furthermore, the AIFA team plans to organize workshops on Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI (GenAI) with the help of AI experts to provide hands-on experience. In the meantime, interested academic members can join the AIFA WhatsApp group by scanning the QR code or by following the link below:


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