A Top NASA Astronomer Visits Peradeniya

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 Dr. Henry Throop, an astronomer, and a planetary scientist from the NASA headquarters in Washington, USA visited University of Peradeniya and delivered a guest lecture on NASA`s New Horizon Mission to Pluto, the Kuiper Belt and Beyond for students of the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science on December 15th. The event had been organized by the Astronomical Society of the University of Peradeniya which was held at the P1 Lecture theatre of the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science. Mr. Throop met with Prof. MD. Lamawansa, the Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Terrence Madhujith, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University. Dr. V. Sivakumar, the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Science and the Head of the Department of Physics accompanied him. The planetary scientist specializes in the dynamics of rings and dust in the outer solar system. Dr. Throop is a member of the science team for NASA’s New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt. The asteroid 193736 Henrythroop has been named after him.