The Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, celebrated the World Philosophy Day on the 17th of November 2022, at the Faculty Seminar room from 09.00 a.m. onwards. It was headed under the theme of ‘Philosophy and human of the future’. The event was graced with the presence of Prof. MD. Lamawansa, the…

Mr. Saranga Konara and Ms. Shimani Attygala, two undergraduate students of the Faculty of Agriculture, attended the 21st International Students Summit 2022 organized by the Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo NODAI) representing the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. The theme of the Summit was “Youth actions and Innovations towards Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation…

On an invitation of the His Excellency the President of Sri Lanka, The Vice Chancellor of University of Peradeniya, The Team Leader of the Face Mask Invention Team, Professor RMG. Rajapakse, Senior Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, and the Team Leader of the COVID-19 Detection Kit, Dr. Ruchika Fernando of the…