The Meeting with Hon. Mr. Jai Bir Rai, Minister of Education and Skills Development of the Royal Government of Bhutan, and H.E. Mr. Rinchen Kuentsyl Bhutan’s Ambassador to Sri Lanka

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Hon. Mr. Jai Bir Rai, Minister of Education and Skills Development of the Royal Government of Bhutan, H.E. Mr. Rinchen Kuentsyl Bhutan’s Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Mr. Karma Phuntsho, Chief Programme officer scholarship and student support visited the University of Peradeniya on the 05th of February 2023. Hon. Mr. Jai Bir Rai and H.E. Mr. Rinchen Kuentsyl were welcomed by Prof. Vasanthi Pinto, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Udaya Ralapanawa, Head of the Department of Medicine, Prof. Kosala Marambe, Head of the Department of Medical Education and Prof. CNRA. Alles, Head of the Department of Biochemistry. During the short visit to the Faculty of Medicine, welfare, education, and health concerns of the Bhutanese students who are studying at the Faculty of Medicine were discussed.  

Followed by a short visit to the Faculty of Medicine, Hon. Mr. Jai Bir Rai, Minister of Education and Skills Development of the Royal Government of Bhutan, H.E. Mr. Rinchen Kuentsyl Bhutan’s Ambassador and Mr. Karma Phuntsho, Chief Programme officer of scholarship and student support participated in a meeting with Prof. MD. Lamawansa, Vice-Chancellor, University of Peradeniya at the Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge. Prof. Manjula Attygalla, Dean of the Faculty of Dental Sciences, Prof. CNRA. Alles, Director of the International Relations Office, and Prof. Kosala Marambe, Head of the Department of Medical Education participated in the meeting. During the meeting, Vice-Chancellor explained the possibility of increasing the number of Bhutanese students accommodated by the Faculty of Medicine and the dean of the Faculty of Dental Sciences expressed his interest and the possibility to enroll Bhutanese students in the Faculty of Dental Sciences as well. Welfare, accommodation, and education concerns of the Bhutanese students were discussed at the brief meeting.