Celebrating World Radiography Day 2023 – X-PERTS 2023

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The X-PERTS 2023 organized by the Department of Radiography/ Radiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences in collaboration with the Society of Medical Radiation Sciences (SMRS) to commemorate World Radiography Day 2023 was held on 25th of October 2023.

The event featured a series of informative presentations by experts in the field including Prof. P.B. Hewavithana, the founder head of Department of Radiography/ Radiotherapy, Dr. Udara kularatne, Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologist, Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom, and Mr. Nadeeka Hemachandra, Cath Lab & Interventional Radiology In-charge Nawaloka Hospitals PLC, Colombo.

We were honored to have the presence of Mr. M. G. G. Amarasinghe, a veteran radiographer who has rendered invaluable service to the profession of radiography, as the guest of honor.

The quiz competition and the art competition organized by the department displayed talents of the students and the staff members. Students’ aesthetic performances during the event were highly commendable and added a touch of beauty to the event.

Felicitations were awarded to all the guest speakers and the guest of honor while the in-charge radiographers of leading hospitals were recognized for their contribution to the department. World Radiography Day 2023 provided us with an occasion to reflect on the significance of medical imaging and it was a day of learning, appreciation, and a chance to look towards the future with optimism and determination.