Visit by Team of Researchers from Chinese Academy of Sciences

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A Chinese delegation including experts from the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Aerospace Information Research Institute, and Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) visited the University of Peradeniya (UoP) and the Joint Research & Demonstration Centre for Water Technology (JRDC), on the 21st of July 2023. At 8:00 AM, the delegation and a team of university academics, which included representatives from the faculties of Engineering & Agriculture and members from UOP-JRDC Research Committee met the Vice-Chancellor at the VC office. The Vice-Chancellor had a short discussion regarding future collaborations and developing research links between CAS and UoP.
Then the delegates from the Institute of Hydrobiology visited the Faculty of Agriculture (FOA) and had a fruitful discussion with the Dean of the Agriculture faculty and the related staff members to share their experience and discussed possible collaborations, especially related to developing Prawn and Crab aquaculture projects in Sri Lanka.
In the meantime, the delegates from the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIRI) visited the Faculty of Engineering (FOE) and had a very useful discussion. The team discussed possible collaborations between the FOE and AIRI for establishing early warning systems for natural disasters like flood control, water quality predictions in Lakes, etc. using GIS and starlight data.
Finally, the delegation visited the JRDC and joined a meeting at 15:00. The meeting was mainly focused to summarize the outcomes of the meetings held in the FOE and FOA and to discuss the way of collaborating with the Chinese institutes. During the meeting it was briefly discussed the phase 2 Chinese Aid project proposal, which is currently being prepared mainly aiming for the sustainable use of the JRDC facility and its long-run sustainable operation.

2024/25 වර්ෂය සඳහා නේවාසිකාගාර වෙත ආපනශාලා සේවාවන් සැපයීම සඳහා අයදුම්පත් කැඳවීම – ජේම්ස් පීරිස් ආපන ශාලාව

දැන්වීම පේරාදෙණිය විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයීය ශිෂ්‍ය ශිෂ්‍යාවන් හට 2024/2025 වර්ෂය තුළ දී ජේම්ස් පීරිස් ආපන ශාලාව වෙත ආපනශාලා සේවාවන් සැපයීම සඳහා පිළිගත් ආයතන වලින් සහ පළපුරුදු පුද්ගලයින්ගෙන්

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