Extension of the MoU between the University of Peradeniya and the Centre of Defense Research and Development (CDRD)

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An extension of the MoU between the University of Peradeniya and the Centre of Defense Research and Development (CDRD), Ministry of Defense was signed on the 27 th of August 2024. Signatories to this were the Director General of the CDRD Major General Imal Assaarachchi and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Peradeniya, Prof. Terence Madujith. This MoU, initiated by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DEEE) of the Faculty of Engineering, is aimed at promoting joint research and development programs mutually beneficial to both institutions and sharing technical expertise and resources. Prof. Aruna Gunawardena of the DEEE presented the radio frequency and microwave projects that DEEE has embarked on which could be of interest to the  CDRD followed by a visit to the laboratories in the department.