Local Supplies Division
Ms. W.H.A.D.Dilrukshi
Deputy Bursar
- Receiving Authorized Request – Please Refer Annexure I for Authorization
- (Please follow instructions given by the Internal Circulars issued by the University time to time)
- Checking for the Availability of Funds (If funds are not available request will be rejected
- Get the Other Statutory Clearance
- Appointing of Technical Evaluation Committee (if necessary) by the Relevant Authority
- Assisting the Technical Evaluation Committee in
- Finalizing of Technical Specifications
- Finalizing of Commercial Terms and Conditions (Place of Supply,Packages, Risk of Damage,Payment and Invoicing,Quality, Guarantee,etc.)
- Preparation of Bidding Documents
- Selecting the Mode of Bidding (National Competitive Bidding/ International Competitive Bidding/ Limited International Bidding/ Limited National Bidding/ Shopping/Direct Contracting)
- Select ing Type of Bidding (Single Stage Single Envelope / Single Stage Two Envelope/ Two Stage)
- Calling for Quotations
- Bid Opening
- Assisting to the TEC in Bid Evaluation
- Handling Technical & Commercial Compliance
- Award the Tender to Lowest Evaluated Responsive Bidder
- Contract Signing
- Obtain Performance Guarantees
- Contract Monitoring/Follow up
- Maintaining Purchasing Records and Files
- Invoice Verification
- Payment Recommendation
- Registration of suppliers
Application forms/ Information
Registered Suppliers for the year 2022
-List of members for technical evaluation committees for the year 2022
-Purchase request formats (FORM R-03, FORM R-02, FORM USC/R-01).
Staff Members
1. RaveendraRankothgedara
2. M.M.R Ekanayake
3. S.A.M Premasiri
4. D.R.B.L Dedunupitiya
5. A.P.D.S Gunarathne
6. H.M.S.V Rathnayake
7. N.B Mawalagedara