The welcome ceremony of the new entrants (2021/22 Batch) to the Faculty of Medicine was held at the Physiology Lecture Theatre, Faculty of Medicine, on the 30th of January, 2023, under the patronage of the Vice-Chancellor Professor MD. Lamawansa.
Professor Emeritus Malini Udupihille graced the event as the Special Guest, Prof. WM. Terrance Madhujith, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, and the Deans of the Faculties of the University of Peradeniya attended.
Prof. Vasanthi Pinto, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, welcomed the gathering. Prof. MD. Lamawansa, the Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Udaya Ralapanawa, the Student Affairs Committee (SAC) chairman, addressed the gathering. Prof Malani Udupilhille delivered the inaugural lecture. New undergraduate students of the 2021/22 batch and their parents were present on occasion. Two hundred thirty-five students were registered on the same day.