04th Peradeniya University Physiotherapy Congress – 2022

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The Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences organized the 04th Peradeniya University Physiotherapy Congress – 2022 from 16th – 19th December 2022 at the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya. Theme of the congress was “Global Trends and advancements in Physiotherapy in the Modern Era”. The congress comprised of the scientific sessions with keynote lecture, guest lectures and research sessions, and a workshop.

The ceremonial inauguration of the congress was held on 16th December 2022. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Peradeniya – Prof. MD. Lamawansa was invited as the chief guest of the event. Dr. SI. Wadugodapitiya – Head, Department of Physiotherapy chaired the congress. Guest of Honor – Prof. BMHSK. Banneheka – Professor in Anatomy – Faculty of Dental Sciences, Prof. L. Yatawara, Dean – Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Prof. WM. Terrence Madhujith – Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Heads of the departments, academic and administrative staff members of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chief Physiotherapists and other invited guests took part in the ceremonial inauguration of the congress.

Prof. Narasimman Swaminathan – Professor in Physiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Sri Ramachandra Medical University, India participated as the keynote speaker of the congress. Prof. Oleksandr Krasilshchikov – Exercise & Sports Science Programme, School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Dr. Durga Prathap – Former Assistant Professor, CEO – Dr. GD. Physiotherapy, Punjab, India delivered guest lectures in the scientific session of the congress. Oral research presentations were conducted by the authors of selected research papers, encouraging the synthesis and dissemination of new knowledge regarding Physiotherapy.

Dr. Piyush Jain – Former Head, the Department of Physiotherapy, Jaipur National University, India took part as the resource person for the congress workshop on ‘Dry Needling – A new physiotherapeutic way of pain management’.

The Peradeniya University Physiotherapy Congress 2022 was successfully held with the presence of more than 100 participants from various parts of the country while offering a brilliant opportunity for the physiotherapy professionals in Sri Lanka to update their knowledge to be in par with the modern era.