The Working Student Assistantship Program (WSAP) Receives a Boost

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The Colombo Chapter of the Alumni Association of the University of Peradeniya together with Dialog Axiata PLC came up to fund the ongoing Student Assistantship Program (WSAP), the Program introduced for the students to earn while learning. The WSAP initiated by the University few months ago provides an opportunity for students to work up to maximum of 10 hours per month while studying. This is an opportunity for them to gain some work experience and some money. The University makes a nominal payments for their work for nearly 140 students registered under the program. At a charm ceremony organized by the University, Officer bearers and members of the Colombo Chapter of the Peradeniya Alumni and the Senior Officials from A. Baurs & Co (Pvt.) Limited made their pledge to support WSAP. Professor M D Lamawansa, the Vice-Chancellor of the University graced the occasion as the chief guest. Professor Terrence Madhujith, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dileep de Silva, the Director of the Career Guidance Unit, Ms. Jayantha Dharmasiri, the Acting Registrar, Mr. Arampath, the Bursar, selected students registered under this program attended the meeting. The Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Director of the Career Guidance Unit, Mr. Vipula Jayampathy and few students enrolled in the program.