The Meeting with Mr. Bing Yang, Director of Tomorrow Technology Education Service Center

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Mr. Bing Yang, Director of Tomorrow Technology Education Service Center visited the University of Peradeniya on the 20th of February 2023. Mr. Bing Yang was accompanied by Miss Liu, Head of International Cooperation, and Miss Xiao, assistant project communication-international division. Mr. Bing Yang was welcomed by Prof. MD. Lamawansa, the Vice-Chancellor, University of Peradeniya. Prof. CNRA. Alles, Director of the International Relations Office, Prof. GDRU. Abeyrathne, Head of the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, Prof. RH. Kuruppuge, Faculty of Management, and Mr. TSS. Fernando, Faculty of Management participated in the meeting.

Student exchanges for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes between China and the University of Peradeniya were discussed in the meeting. Possible disciplines for academic collaborations including dual degree programmes and postgraduate programmes in the fields of Accounting, Finance, Economics, Financial Management, Innovation Management, Human Resource Management, Technology Management, Business Management, Public Administration, Public Health Management, Education, Science, and Electrical and Mechanical Engineering were highlighted in the discussion. Incoming Students’ welfare including common facilities, health and accommodation concerns, and visa issuance was also discussed in the meeting. Vice Chancellor and the academic staff members expressed their interest and support in starting collaborations in near future.