University Organization

The The University of Peradeniya operates under the provisions of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 and the Universities (Amendment) Act No. 7 of 1985. (

As per the Universities Act, each university has a Chancellor, officers and authorities that make the plans and decisions and monitor the implementation of such decisions in the overall management of the University. The Chancellor is the ceremonial head of the University and is appointed by H.E. the President of Sri Lanka for a period of five years.

The Authorities of the University of Peradeniya are:

The Council and the Senate form the conventional two-tier pattern of University organization. The Council is the chief executive body and the governing authority of the University. The Senate is the academic authority and makes recommendations to the Council regarding teaching, research, examinations and related matters of the University. Next in rank are the Faculty Boards of the Faculties at the University of Peradeniya. Each Faculty Board regulates matters pertaining to teaching, research and examinations in the respective Faculty, subject to control of the Senate.

The Council of the University of Peradeniya is made up of the Vice-Chancellor (ex-officio chairperson), Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Deans, two elected representatives of the Senate and thirteen laymen of distinction appointed by the UGC. The members of the Council